"Dad, I can explain" Sianna said nervously but Calvin ignored her and went for Luca. He grabbed him by his shirt and began threatening him.
"I want this to be the last time I ever see you with my daughter, you hear me?!" Calvin demanded in anger. Luca was too startled to speak.
"Dad let him go!" Sianna begged almost in tears.
"Get in the car, now!" Calvin ordered still grabbing Luca by the shirt.
"No! Let him go first and-and I promise, I'll do whatever you want me to do next" Sianna said nervously.
"I would never hurt your daughter sir" Luca said in his defence.
"Do you really expect me to believe that?" Calvin asked with a chuckle.
"Dad! Let him go...please" Sianna begged. Calvin gave it a little thought and then he left Luca.
"Listen here boy, if I ever and I mean ever, see you with my daughter again, I'll make sure she'll be the last girl you'll ever toy with, you understand?" Calvin said as he adjusted Luca's shirt.
"She's fucking eighteen, she can make her own decisions" Luca said annoyed. Both Calvin and Sianna were shocked by Luca's statement.
"What the fuck" Sianna cussed to herself.
"What did you just say?" Calvin asked in disbelief.
"Dad, let's go!" Sianna demanded.
"I said what I said sir" Luca said unbothered.
"Oh my God, Luca can you shut up?!" Sianna demanded annoyed by Luca's comments. Calvin got annoyed as well. He pushed Luca to the wall and punched him hard in the face.
"Dad!" Sianna called out shocked by what her father had just done.
"Watch your mouth" Calvin demanded and then he left.
"Let's go Sianna" He ordered as he left for his car. Sianna immediately rushed to Luca who was already bleeding a little from his nose.
"Hey, are you okay?" Sianna asked worriedly.
"You should go" Luca suggested while cleaning the blood with his sleeves.
"Luca, are-are you sure?" Sianna asked.
"Yeah, just go" Luca demanded as though he were mad at her. Then Calvin blew his horn and Sianna knew it was time to go.
"I'm so sorry" Sianna said and then she left for her dad's car. She got in the passenger's seat and banged the door hard so her father would notice how mad she was at him.
"So this is what you do instead of staying fully committed to school" Calvin said annoyed to the core as he started the car engines.
"Un-fucking-believable dad. You left me years ago and now you just wanna pretend like you've been there for me this whole fucking time"
"Mind your words Sianna" Calvin warned.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck. No, dad, I won't. Maybe I should start calling you Calvin because I don't even know who you are anymore"
"Sianna, I'm trying to make amends with you and your mum. I'm trying to fix everything" Calvin said angrily.
"Well you're a little too late for that"
"Your mum has already forgiven me" Calvin said softly.
"That's a lie, you're lying. She was the one who got hurt the most, she can't just forgive you. It's not possible" Sianna declared in disbelief.
"Sianna... I promise you that I'm trying to fix everything for us. I made a mistake leaving and now I'm back. I and your mother are now living together and we're finding happiness once more. That's why I took a flight here..." Calvin said but got interrupted by Sianna.
"Shut up!" Sianna exclaimed. She was fed up with all her dad had to say so she came down from the moving car and banged the door shut. Calvin, who was very shocked, stopped the car and asked why she had done that.
"For more than half of my entire fucking life you were absent from both our lives and now you think you can waltz in like nothing ever happened. Mum might have forgiven you but just know that I never will. Your idea of us living as one big happy family...bullshit! I can walk from here thanks" Sianna declared and then she began walking back to her hostel.
"Sianna!" Calvin called out as he got out of his car trying to chase after her but it was to no avail. He got back in his car frustrated more than ever. Then he got a text from a lady asking him when he was going to come over. He looked at the text still frustrated and then he replied saying that he was on his way.
Marisa de Los Santos once said that no one was ever quite ready; everyone was always caught off guard. Parenthood chooses you. And you open your eyes, look at what you've got, say "Oh, my gosh," and recognize that of all the balls there ever were, this is the one you should not drop. It's not a question of choice. Then I thought to myself...this must be it. This must be the reason. But then again why me you know. Why was I so unfortunate to have these two people in my life; a mother who doesn't know when to quit and a father who thinks he's ready to be one all over again. Whatever way this turns out to be in the end, someone must shed a tear and that will definitely not be me.