Luca got to his family home safely. He unpacked his things in his room. As he did so, his phone rang. It was Sianna. He ignored the first ring but not the second one.

"What?" Luca answered.

"When were you planning on telling me you were gonna attend your mum's funeral?" Sianna asked impatiently.

"Where are you?" Luca asked.

"Answer the fucking question Luca" Sianna said in annoyance. There was a moment of silence between the two.

"Luca?" Sianna called out and then he hung up. He continued arranging his things when he heard some noises coming from the living room. He went there to see who the people in his house were. It turned out to be his father's college days friend. He came with his wife and her daughter; Tessa. Luca and Tessa used to be best friends while growing up. But they got separated when Luca had to move. Now, they were reunited but the bond wasn't there like before.