Luca came out of hiding and after careful contemplations with himself, he decided not to lash out at his dad. Immediately he came out, his dad hurriedly got up from the floor and wiped his tears away.

"Is anything wrong, dad?" Luca asked calmly.

"Don't tell me you burnt the eggs again" Luca jeered and everyone gave a light chuckle.

"It's the know how it gets me every time" Mr Castaigne lied.

"Lies upon lies" Luca said to himself as he wandered around the kitchen.

"What was that?" Mr Castaigne asked.

"Nothing dad. I was wondering if they would be anything I could help with but seems like dinner's all set" Luca said surprised.

"It sure is, Luca dear do me a favour and go get Tessa from her room. Tell her that dinner's ready" Mrs Tielemans said with a smile.