Gabby rested her head on Angelica's lap as Angelica sat on her bed while Sianna sat next to them also resting her head on Angelica's shoulders.

"Have any of you guys ever fallen for someone so hard that you try to tell yourself you aren't in love with that person? You don't fight for that love, you just do nothing. But all of a sudden you get this urge to want that person back and when you go for it...you end up heartbroken" Gabby asked calmly.

"No" Angelica answered sadly.

"Sianna... Have you?" Gabby asked. Sianna didn't want to answer honestly because she had indeed gone through it but it was with Luca who she intended to keep a secret.

"No...but I understand how you feel" Sianna said as she rubbed her hands against Gabby's.