Leslie, Angelica and Mindy had no plans of their own, unlike Sianna whose mission was to find Luca. Sianna had already taken off as usual, nowhere to be found. Angelica had already brought drinks over. Mindy took one and went over to a quiet corner. She normally didn't enjoy alcohol but she genuinely wanted to indulge herself this time. Leslie walked up to her wondering why she decided to distance herself.

"Mindy, hey, why are you all alone? Remember it was you who brought up coming to Rockies" Leslie said.

"I just wanna be low-key tonight. There are people with people having fun... I guess I just realised that I've never really had a love life" Mindy said and then went over to Leslie's ears and whispered something in it.

"I'm still a virgin" Mindy whispered.

"There's nothing wrong with you being a virgin, though I think that's gonna change tonight. Have you noticed that guy that checking you up?" Leslie asked with a smile