"Hi, I'm looking for Sianna, is she home?" Sloane asked sternly.

"She's not back yet, I'm sorry, who are you?" Leslie asked.

"I'm her mother. Is it okay if I wait for her inside?" Sloane asked.

"Sure, I'll let her know that you're here" Leslie said as she welcomed Sloane in.

"Oh no, please don't... I wanted this visit to be a surprise" Sloane said with a smile.

"Sure, okay" Leslie said with a smile.

"I'll be back, I just need to get something upstairs" Leslie said. Then she went upstairs to her room. She quickly brought out her phone and dialled Sianna's phone. But it wasn't going through. She had a flat battery so it went straight to voice mail.

"Sianna, if you're somewhere you know you're not supposed to be at, or Luca or that boy you tutor is gonna come over or drop you off, you better cancel that plan and bring your ass back here cause I don't know what the fuck your mum's doing here" Leslie panicked.