Mindy and Callum got to Snow's place. They both came out of the car. Mindy was a bit nervous to knock on the door.

"Don't tell me you're shy?" Daniel asked.

"What? We had sex the first and last time we saw each other and since then we've never spoken. Of course, I'm shy" Mindy said.

"Alright, I'll go knock" Daniel said and then he knocked on the door. They waited but there was no response.

"So you're telling me that you guys didn't even exchange numbers afterwards?" Daniel asked.

"No" Mindy replied. Then Daniel tries knocking again but no one answered.

"Okay, no one's home I think it's time for us to go" Daniel suggested. As they were about to leave, someone came out the door.

"Hey, sorry, I was kinda busy with someone...what do you want?" A girl asked. Mindy got a bit confused and then Daniel took over.

"Sorry to bother, but I was just wondering if my buddy Snow lives here?" Daniel asked.