The next day, Luca and Sianna walked into class together. Luca tried to hole Sianna's hands but she kept avoiding their hands meeting each other. Spence saw them. He looked at Luca with spite and then called Sianna over telling her that he had kept a vacant seat for her. Sianna knew she just had to accept his offer if not he would think that she was back together with Luca. She then whispered something into Luca's ears and then he allowed her to go seat with Spence.

"What the hell were you doing with that fucker?" Spence whispered a bit angrily.

"Okay, hello, how are you would have been a great start" Sianna said sternly.

"Sorry babe, I just don't like the fact that I see you with him. If I were around Tessa like that, you would get jealous...and I don't want our relationship to be based on jealousy" Spence said calmly.