"No fucking way, Sianna!" Leslie squealed.

"Why are you fucking screaming? I'm not happy about it" Sianna said as she threw the dipstick against the wall. Then she jumped flat on the couch and began sobbing. There was then a moment of silence until Angelica broke it.

"Sianna, talk to us" she said as she and the rest of the girls went to the couch to comfort Sianna.

"I had sex with Spencer and Luca on the same day but like with about an hour difference. They both had protection on and somehow I didn't even notice that I missed my period. I don't even know who the father is between the two" Sianna said with tears.

"I know this isn't the right time to say this but Sianna, you are a badass bitch. Veronica would be proud of you" Leslie said with confidence.

"Les, I am in a fucking crisis here" Sianna said sternly in a teary tone.

"I am so sorry" Leslie apologised.

"So who are you going to tell first?" Mindy asked.