Mindy and Daniel were now in Snow's living room. They sat while Rebecca answered their questions.

"Do you happen to study political science?" Mindy asked.

"Yeah, no wonder your faces looked familiar" Rebecca said after realising that she might have seen them before. "You're both in political science right?" She asked. "You both, Angelica and Veronica...the one that died almost a year ago" She continued while ending on a sad note. "Sorry about that" She added.

"Thanks" Mindy and Daniel chorused with gratitude.

"So, back to my brother. What did he do now?" Rebecca asked as though it was Snow's habit to always get into trouble.

"I'm just gonna be straight forward with you. Does your brother have a girlfriend?" Mindy asked.

"Yeah, we've got the same name and sometimes she attends some classes with us, why?" Rebecca asked.

"I keep getting more and more shocked because of Snow" Mindy stressed.