When classes were dismissed, Sianna followed Luca to the spot where he parked his car. Then they entered inside to have their conversation.

"Why did you hide the picture from me? I need the complete truth, Luca" Sianna demanded sternly.

"Alright. When I was departing to my family house, my dad stopped at the gas station to get a refill. Seconds later, your dad pulled up with some chick. I felt like there was something off because I was a hundred percent sure she wasn't your mum. So I took the picture. When my dad was done, we took off. While my dad reversed, I stared at the dad. He saw me staring at him and something in me confirmed that the lady he was with wasn't just a friend" Luca confessed.

"So he doesn't come to Bernice just to see me. Great" Sianna said sadly. "So why didn't you tell me?" Sianna asked.