Ole was disappointed with Micheal's assertions. He was embarrassed for him and his own reputation. While everyone mocked Micheal as the Castle guards threw him out the gates, newly crowned King Tobias retired to his chamber. There he met Queen Amaya.

"Amaya, what a surprise to see you here" Tobias said confused but pretended as to be amused by her presence.

"Gone are the days when you called me by my title" Amaya said walking up slowly to Tobias.

"I'm King now" Tobias boasted.

"I know my Lord, and as a means to congratulate you on your this day, I bear only but one gift... All of me" Amaya said as she adjusted his robes. Then she looked deep into his eyes.

"And your husband...." Tobias asked a bit nervous.

"Don't you worry my Lord, he shall know nothing of it" Amaya assured with a grin.

"In that case..." Tobias said as he grabbed Amaya by the waist and kissed her vigorously.
