According to Avinash Wandre, embarrassment lasts a moment while regret lasts a lifetime and in that moment of being on top of Luca Castaigne, I felt embarrassed and I immediately regretted ever agreeing to attend his party. Apparently, he was passing by and had a bowl of punch in his hand and I tripped and fell over him and now, both of us are drenched. Worst of all, my gown tore apart badly and exposed my underwear.

"Hey isn't that the grim reaper?!" Brody one of Luca's friends yelled.

"The bitch who tried to kill Luca" another yelled and everyone began booing at her. Some even laughed at her. Sianna who was already embarrassed stood up from Luca's body and ran quickly to the bathroom and Angelica, Leslie and Mindy ran after. Sianna got to the bathroom before them and locked herself in. Angelica knocked on the door but Sianna refused to open up.