So far so good, my girls were having the time of their lives in the carnival and I was having mine with Luca. Jesse finally left and no sooner was I back in Luca's arms.

"Questions and answers...are you ready?" Luca asked with a smile.

"Okay, you go first" Sianna said.

"Your first impression of me?" Luca asked with a grin because he already knew the answer.

"Oh come on! You already know what I thought of you, you just want me to say it all over again. Next question please" Sianna said almost annoyed but got over it when Luca began to laugh.

"You're to ask the next question" Luca said laughing.

"Okay, so... Why do you always stay at the back of the class?" Sianna asked.

" I could stare at you. Sometimes I even sketch a figure of you" Luca replied calmly.

"Luca, I feel like you're lying to me. All this while and it's now I find out that you could draw?" Sianna said in disbelief.