107. The Second Layer of the Arboretums.

107. The Second Layer of the Arboretums.

Logan breathed steadily, contemplating the impending danger that lay ahead. In contrast to the first layer, the second layer didn't conceal its presence. The Arboretum trees stood tall and vigilant, proudly displaying their yellow leaves as they danced in the air.

Although no visible threats were attacking the group, Logan couldn't shake off the ominous feeling emanating from this layer. "The defense here is stronger than before," he voiced his observation. The trio nodded in agreement.

Having just completed their previous mission by running, they now needed to strategize before proceeding further. "What should we do? The trees don't seem to be reacting at all," Logan pondered.

"I have an idea, Master," Anna chimed in confidently, catching Logan's attention. "I will go in and test the waters. It's easier for one person to escape than four."

"That's a good idea," Lisa added, supporting Anna's suggestion.