
Eddie had seen many dreadful things in his life back on earth. He had watched hundreds of people being killed, had his limbs being ripped off and sometimes, he was the one doing the horrendous things. He had been scared so many times. But the way he was feeling right now, it was something mysterious. Complicated. Unexplainable.

If one were to ask him to explain the way he was feeling at the moment, then Eddie would say it was a mixture of fear, fright, grief, disbelief, terror, panic, misery, desolation and a dozen others he couldn't explain.

He had only been in this place for a year, yet all the dreadful things he had experienced was enough to drown out all the memories, both good and bad, of his past life on Earth.

The tiniest thing about this place was enough to make a human have nightmare for the rest of their life.

And although Eddie was now a demon, he had only become one for a year so his mental strength couldn't be compared to those who had been born a demon.

Luckily, the next few days were peaceful for Eddie. If even with the constant cries of horror and pain around him, he could still call it peaceful. But at least, none of those screams belonged to him…yet.

Yet. Although the Warden looked to mostly have been ignoring him, it didn't mean Eddie missed those malicious stares he always got from the warden whenever he was torturing some of them.

Those stares, that to Eddie, meant: Brace up, you're next!

And finally, like Eddie expected, the day finally came, but not in the way he expected.

Like every day, Warden came into the cell to do his daily routine check. But to the prisoners and even some guards, it was their daily bread; daily dose of torture.

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Author Here: This here is an incomplete chapter. I am totally sorry for having not posted for some days now, it's just that i've had personal matters to deal with. Thank you for your love and understanding. Also i'll try to upload this chapter as soon as possible. Thanks