Chapter Nine (Part 6): Brightest Child

'Hmm? Who said the word God? Did someone call our Father?'

'No, Michael, that's how humans these days exclaim.'

'Oh... I see. Interesting.'

When that sleepy voice of Archangel Michael rang up again, followed by the husky voice of Archangel Uriel, I still found myself utterly silent, my mouth left open, as my brain was trying to cool itself down.

'It seems that our Adel is in shock to see us... Ah, not see us, but meet us.'

'Why is it? Are our presences frightening? Be not afraid, Adel.'

'Oh, how you are too pure, Michael...'

Seconds after that, I couldn't really tell which of the Seven continued to speak with Archangel Michael next. Who was the one with the silvery and gentle voice? Was it Archangel Chamuel or Raphael or...? God... This was even harder than trying to remember half of my peers' names in college...