Chapter Nine (Part 8): Solar Tempest

If... possible?

When Archangel Zadkiel had finished their words like that, I could only repeat the latter while staring blankly at nothingness.

What do you mean...? If possible?

I knew there was a possibility that we would not win, but for you, the deities of all things, to suggest the idea that we might not win...

That was unnerving, indeed.

'Oh, and-- Almost forgot. About our powers, Adel.'

'Each one of us has different powers. When you call upon our powers, you don't call for us as a group, you must say our names one by one.'

'All of these powers, you will learn to channel them in no time. At first, we recommend that you try channeling Gabriel's power, which is the least complex one.'

'Just like himself! Hah!'

'Raphael, that was very uncalled for...'