Her Own David


Her mate was fascinating. Everything about him oozed strength like steel. She'd seen all of him more than once, but never indulged in this simple exploration. She'd seen images back in the human world of a statue named David which had always been heralded as the summit of male beauty.

Tarkyn looked better.

When he agreed to let her examine him and played along as if he were the subject of her study, she'd been delighted, indulging in following the lines of his muscles and spine—until she found his weak spot.

Ticklish. Her big, strong mate was ticklish—and apparently quite embarrassed about it.

"This is a secret between mates! If you tell a soul, I will… punish you! Soundly!"

Harth hadn't been able to resist. She grinned up at him, licking her lips. "Define… punish?"

Tarkyn growled and descended on her. But she danced back out of his grip. "No, no, no! You said I could look at you! I can't look at you if we're kissing!"