Hot & Cold – Part 1*

If you like music while you read, try "Forever and Always" by Written by Wolves and Beck. It's what I listened to while writing this scene!



Tarkyn knew it was mischievous to shock her that way, but as he gathered her in and thrust them both into the cold spray, he half-hoped to settle his own body. He wanted her desperately, but he wanted to take his time. Even though he played calm and confident, the truth was, his bones quivered with fear.

Not fear of the battle they faced, or the potential for harm. Tarkyn knew he could withstand physical pain. No… What made his knees quiver and his heart squeeze, was knowing that he might be taken from her. That while he hadn't given up hope, he'd seen enough war and politics to know… this might be their last chance.

He planned to make the most of it, even as he did prepare his body just as he would if he were walking into war.