A Moment of Honesty 

~ ZEV ~

A few minutes later, body humming with a strange, roiling mix of pride and embarrassment, Zev stormed out of the tent and towards the central fires of the encampment. The sun was high in the sky now. They'd spent far more of the morning dealing with all that shit than he'd intended.

Sasha was right. He did need to meet with the hunters and trackers. He needed to gather what they knew, make sure all the fighters knew it too. Start to make a plan to take out Elreth… Sasha was right to suggest that they split their time and energy to different tasks.

Except, it hadn't been a suggestion. And that was what made the heat and tension in his chest near-unbearable. He walked away torn—half of him wishing to submit to his mate and commend her, to follow. The other half wanting to dominate and strike down her orders.