Emissaries Among Us

~ ZEV ~

Zev stood to the side, arms folded and weight settled evenly on the balls of his feet. He knew he looked annoyed, but disengaged. That was his goal. Because he had a plan. He was a wolf, and a wolf always had a plan. No matter how desperate he might be.

Zev wrinkled his nose and shook off the word. He wasn't desperate. Not yet. He was… calculating what was needed. And where the true threat lay. Although tension still ran up and down his spine like fingers on a piano, the truth was that his sparring with Lhars that morning had been useful. His head was a little clearer, even if his anger still simmered.

He suspected if these two had arrived a day earlier, he wouldn't have been so quick to hear them. That thought gave him a niggle of worry, but he pushed that away too. He wasn't just trusting himself to figure this out. He'd brought Lhars.