But Look… There’s Something Else Here…

PATRON SHOUT OUT: Thank you Janell Gilders, Tessa Whalen, and DespinaNY for your name suggestions. I hope you like how I used them!


~ GAR (Five years after the Chimera arrived) ~

They'd traveled for days, deep into the mountains in the southwest—traditionally bears territory, he'd never explored it before. But Behryn had told him of a beautiful valley between two of the peaks, and Pegg had flown it, offering directions.

Finally they were there.

Just as Pegg had said—there were massive, Great Trees here, tall and regal, standing guard over the lush-but-cold valley, their thick branches spanning out almost parallel to the ground. And because they'd never been pruned or directed by the master carpenters, they were wild, and their branches spread for twenty, or thirty, or sometimes even fifty feet beyond their central trunks.