Personal Delivery


"that went well, miss."

"I know, when did it ever become not?"

Zyra and I were on our way out of the board meeting. Nothing interesting happened, really. I gave them the presentation they expected, and everyone gave their own useful inputs.  Zyra, as usual, sat beside me to take note of the important details. A routine of what goes on every week. I don't know what's with the familiar that my mood as I walk out of the door and into the elevator was going south.

"did someone call?" 

Even I was surprised of what I asked. I wasn't expecting someone at all. I don't know why I said that. I clicked my tongue and drummed my fingers on the wall. What's wrong with me? I can't keep still.

"do you need anything else, miss?" – Zyra asked

"no… just…"