Paper Bouquet


No, not again.

It has always been like this. Each time I feel extra happy, I couldn't control where my mind takes me. and no, it was never on a happy place. The trip would always lead me back to one of the blackest memory I ever have. A picture of me inside a darkly-lit room, a white blanket covering a long lifeless form on a steel table. The memory has found its way to my door again, like an uninvited guest. With it, came the tears.

The champagne didn't help with the feeling of having no one to celebrate my success with. Aside from a few drinks and that freakin' phone call from Neil, there was nothing else on this night that is worth remembering. Now that the anticipation was over, I can't help but think that it wasn't that big at all. It was the same thing every year, depreciating its value and then making it nothing but common news.