The Toast


I called Peter the next day just to notify that I would not be coming for work. He replied with "okay" and it was assurance enough that I can rely on him to be in charged with the coffee shop. As for me, I prefer to stay indoors for today. The clouds were gray outside and the sun didn't bless us with its rays. It certainly feels like a bed weather to cuddle, a perfect day to just be under the sheets and nap.

"do you need anything here?" – Dana suddenly entered the room and placed a key on the bedside table. I looked at it, knowing full well that she's now hurrying for work. I haven't checked the clock yet so I am unaware of the exact time. 

The key that was placed on the table was a key to her room.

"you're giving me the key to your room?" – I asked, rubbing my eyes

"sure. I may ask you to do some stuff throughout the day"

"okay, then, have you eaten?"