A Game Won


The cold treatment lasted for three days. No calls, no texts, nothing. His room in the manor was locked, untouched. Even the cleaner was locked out. Yes, it was three days since then, but to me, it felt like forever. The busy days about the redesigning for the annual fashion did not help with my distraction at all. Still, the multitudes of my thoughts would find its way to him. out of my control, without my permission.

Does he care? Does he care at all?

Whose fault was it really was?

Was it mine for trying to be civil with Neil, knowing damn well that he's one of the best friends I have in this world? The only person who knows both the old and the new me, the person I can be vulnerable to, and expect no judgment.

Or was it his?

Was it his fault to be jealous over nothing? To read between the lines and interpret more than what is necessary?  Was it his sense of not knowing me enough that made him think I would do such a thing?