Crushed Flat


How are you expected to deal with a breakup? Is there a manual I should be aware of? Is there a self-help book that would guide you back to being productive, with intricate details on each step you should follow? Is there a correct formula on how you do it? Any counselling class I should be aware of? If any of these questions would have a yes as an answer, it would be great. It would be easier. What's hard is that now I feel like a huge block of ice was pushed to my entire body as I lay flat, slowly crushing me, and my blood spilled as well as tears.

As expected, the news the next morning was focused on me and what happened during the fashion show event. I wasn't just carrying the load of the breakup, but I was bothered of the news as well. Everyone in the office was also in gloom. As for me, I'm dead. I feel like a corpse.

"here's your lunch, miss Dana."

"thanks, Zy."