

If this is what I have to deal with everyday because they cannot be together, I don't think I can live up to the guilt of knowing I didn't do enough to make her happy. That I didn't try more. As I was hugging her, I counted how many times has this happened already. And if something like this happens again, I don't think I can take it.

Why? It hurts. I will not say why or how seeing her in this state causes emotional pain to me. I won't go over the details because to do so would mean that nobody can really understand it in simple words. like me. I already admitted it before that my feelings for her stayed even when she didn't… and since then, it never left.

"I'm sorry…" – she was mumbling on my chest. Subtly, I can feel the wetness of her tears on my shirt. 

"shhh…. You don't need to say sorry. I know…" – I said, trying to console her by little taps on the head.

"I feel so stupid."

"it's okay…"