

Something is wrong. I can feel it.

It has been ten minutes before Ivor got back from the bathroom. He usually takes only a minute or two when he does. I also noticed the change of expression he had when we were talking. Clearly, something was up. Deep within, I hope it's only wedding jitters. People I know who are now married says that's normal to feel. I admit, I do feel a little jittery when I think of the wedding at times.

"I'm sorry for taking so long, Ria. There was a long queue on the bathroom." – he said and I frowned. 

"really? there's not that many people out here."

"the Carbonara's good, huh? Send my regards to your mom. No wonder you like coming home to her every weekends." – he said. I guess he didn't hear my comment.

Since he got back, we didn't talk about the wedding anymore. We only had casual talk, just like the bestselling coffee in his shop or the upcoming High School ball I have to attend. Wait, right!