The streets were littered with every sort of dirt from. dead bodies to bags of food . It looked like a catastrophic event had happened and everyone had vanished off the face of the earth .

Where was everyone ?

"Where did everyone go ?",Aubrey asked Tatiana as she took a turn and entered the road that led to the hospital .

"They weren't to the shelters ",Tatiana said as she took a KitKat from her pocket and there it at Aubrey .

"What shelters ?",Aubrey asked .

"Am sorry were you locked up and just got released this morning ? ",Tatiana asked as she turned to do look at Aubrey .

" No I had my phone off so I really don't know what was happening ",Aubrey said as she took her phone from her bag .

" I think I have a charge in my bag go through it . There were broadcasts that were telling people to go to this shelters that had been designed by the government ",Tatiana said .

" Did they know this was going to happen all along ? ",Briana asked as she connected her phone to the charger and turned it on .

For the next minute or so the only noise in the car was that of notifications on Aubrey's phone. So many people had tried to call her , including the hospital.

"The hospital tried to call me ",she said as she looked at Tatiana panicking .

"Then call them back ",Tatiana said .

There was no need to call them though because they were already at the hospital .

Tatiana packed the car and got out. It may have been the first day of the pandemic so she knew how things were going to play out . If someone found her stuff in the car they would take them without thinking twice .

"She is in the ICU wing ",said Aubrey as they entered the hospital .

."You really think she survived ? Like even if she did it seems like a situation is pretty bad if she is in the ICU there is really not much we could do to help ",said Tatiana as she followed Aubrey .

The hospital was not in good shape either . There were bodies lying everywhere and the walls were covered in blood like it was a massacre .

They reached the ICU and the front door there were some bodies . Aubrey recognized some of the bodies . She had been at the hospital quite a while that she almost knew every doctor and nurse .

"Come on ",said Aubrey as she pushed aside the bodies and entered the room .

The first beds did not have bodies in them which got her quite worried about her mother .

Had they been transfered ? Was that why the hospital had called her that morning?

She was there in her bed , lying lifeless like she

always did everytime Aubrey came to visit . Tatiana saw the look on her face and knew that they had found her .

She just hoped that Aubrey was nit thinking of staying at her side until she woke up because from the look of her state it was going to be forever .

The machines that wer connected to her body would soon fail and she would die like everyone else in the hospital so all she hoped was that Aubrey said her goodbyes so that they could hit the road .

Aubrey took the seat next to her mother's bed and he'd to her hand as she started sobbing .

"Please wake up ",she whispered hoping that a miracle would happen and her mother would be okay .

What the doctors had called to tell her was that her mother's situation was getting worse . They had called to tell her that they thought it was time to remove her from the life support machine .

They were holding on to a life that was not there and it was finally time to let her go . To her it seemed like she would wake up .

She knew her mother was strong and there was no way she was going to leave her at the hospital all alone .

There was no way she was going to survive the horrible world alone and was glad that she had run into Tatiana .

All they needed to do was clear out the unit so that they could sleep there for a couple of days and by then who knew maybe her mother would have woken up .

"We need to go ",said Tatiana as she stood at the doorway .

Sooner or later all the bodies on the hallway were going to wake up and there was no way she was going to be their next meal .

"What do you mean we need to go , I just found my mother ",said Aubrey as she stood up and walked to where Tatiana was standing .

"Do you not see what state she is in ? Sooner or later the electricity will be out and the machines that are supporting her will shut down and so is her body ",said Tatiana as she glanced at Aubrey's mother .

"You do not know that maybe she will wake up , what if we go and she wakes up ?",asked Aubrey as she glanced at her mother's lifeless body .

She did not even believe herself hit a certain part of her hoped that she would wake up .

"Oooohhh come in you know that's a lie , how long as she been on this machines ?",Tatiana asked her .

"Six months , but the doctors said that she was getting better ",Aubrey said as she forced a smile .

" You and I both know that she wasn't getting better , look at her she looks dead already you were all just torturing her with all this machines ",Tatiana said .

" What if it was your mother would you leave her here to die ? ",Aubrey asked her hoping she would guilt trip her into staying with her .

" Don't use that card on me because you know what if it was my mother I would let her die , I would literally feed her to the things that are out there ",Tatiana said .

She regretted saving Aubrey at the hotel . She should have just left her standing there like some stupid person .

"Am not going anywhere and leaving her here ",said Aubrey as she went back to her mother's bedside .

"Good for you because am leaving am not waiting for night to reach I need to find those shelters . ",said Tatiana as she carried the bag that she had dropped on the floor .

" You are just going to leave me here ? ",Aubrey asked her looking shocked .

" Yeah apparently you want to die and I don't so , I hope you survive the night ",said Tatiana as she left the room with no other word leaving Aubrey all to herself in a cruel world .