chapter 7

Grace "wait what????!!!!!"

"yeah it just requires some magic"

Grace "yeah ok, I got that covered. When can we start?"

"not yet since mom and dad have my journal with all the information"

Grace "of course they do but I'll try my best to get. Anyways I will be going now now my whole unit is freaking out"

"before you go what was mom and dad telling Lloyd?"

Grace" oh you know about. Well, you see dad found a serious curse which drained 50 per cent stamina, mana and life energy.

I just sat there speechless, I felt like my life just turn upside down

"Is there any way I can help?"

Grace "not much, also why do you care about it like you said your not our real brother"

"your right about this I'm not their real brother or son but I've been here for 2 years and I grew fond of that boy plus he's 6, I can't let a young kid suffer and plus I have a plan for this."

'You do?"

Getting up I said

"yeah I do but first I need the journal that mom and dad have"

Grace "like I said I'll get but is it safe"

"aww your worried about me"

Grace "stop being sarcastic, You know I'm worried about the body that belongs to my brother"

"yeah yeah I get, I will be going now I got to meet up with my friends"

Grace "be here in 30 min and I have the journal ready"

"ok and don't get caught"

As I started to leave I felt a sense of doom, I couldn't sense what it was but my gut was telling me something

"Hey Arthur wake up, We have work to do also you fell asleep pretty fast"

"Hey Arthur wakes up we have work to do"!!!!!

That weird he always responds to me but this time he's not before I had more time to think about it I was at my friend meeting places or should I say Arthur's friend

There were 2 of them sitting at a tree branch and 1 laying down

Martin and Kris were sitting and Teal was laying down

Kris "oh you came late, What happened??"

Teal "yeah we heard you just fell to the ground and started to scream"

"It was nothing"

"where Lillie I thought she was always here first"

Martin "Now you mention it that true"

But before we say anything else we saw Lillie running

Teal "took you long enough"

"wait Lillie are you ok and why are you crying"

This was uncommon, she was the tough one and when she cried it really bad

Lillie "huff huff The village huff is on fir"

But before she finished talking she fell and there was a giant claw mark on her back


before I could react, He jump down and started to heal her

Martin "I can't heal her for some reason"

Kris "wait she said the village was on fire"

We all looked at the village hoping it was a lie but no it was burning but how my sister, mom and dad were really powerful, Couldn't they stop this"

"Hey, guys come on let's see what hap---"

before I could finish, Someone came flying and crashed.

"Wait what this should't be possible, What is grace doing this beat up"