Chapter 13

As I opened my eyes, I was in a white void. My body was aching up so It was hard to get up. As I did get I heard a loud thrumming voice behind me, which made me fall to my knee.

" so you're the new owner of Excalibur "

As I turned behind me, I saw three giant dudes standing in front of me. The first one was wearing golden armour with a red cape and holding an axe. The one beside him was wearing black armour which has features of dragons and holding A sword which also was black and looked like Excalibur. The third one wore a white cloak and had a brown shirt and pants on. What was odd was that he wasn't holding any weapon but I realized that he 2 daggers on his side.

"Are you done staring at us?"

"Who or what are you guys"

The first one spoke, "I am Gawain. I have held Excalibur and using its knowledge, I have made many advancements in magic "

The second one spoke "I am Zeroth. I have held Excalibur and using its knowledge, I have made many advancements in everyday life"

The third one spoke " I am Esther. I have too held Excalibur but instead of using its knowledge, I have used its power to slay demons and monsters."

"so you all of used Excalibur in some way and now I'm the next holder of Excalibur?"

Zeroth " You have yet to earn the power of Excalibur, we decide to let you use a fraction of the power that Excalibur has to beat that shadow general. You aren't worthy"

"Then why would I be here?"

Gawain "well it's simple, You somehow know the name of the sword when no one else has for centuries and that you aren't Arthur"

"um what"

Esther "You think we're dumb, We can see you have 2 souls in your body"

"wait if you can see that there 2 souls in my body, can you tell me what happened to Arthur, he's not responding"

Gawain "well you see kid, His soul seems to be broken "

"wait broken!!!???, what do you mean by that"

Esther " you experiencing a lot of pain am I right?"

"Well yeah, wait does it have to relate to Arthur?"

Gawain "well kinda, we have explored your soul and found out you came from another world but unlike some other people your body did not come and only your soul but I have a feeling that you already know this"

"well yeah but, I still don't understand how this related to Arthur or the pain that I'm getting?"

Gawain "you see that your soul went to go back to your body so it tries to cross the barriers that divided our world, you experience the pain.

I was surprised and taken aback by the information they gave me. I stood there for a few minutes until I decided to ask more questions

"How about Arthur and is there a way to go back to my world ??"

Esther " When your soul tries to cross the barrier, it crossed and that when your body fell unconscious, during that moment you were back in your world but the huge energy that your soul used had to come from somewhere and it came from Arthur soul. That is why he's not responding because his soul is unconscious"

I was taken back by this, Arthur's soul is somehow unconscious and it's my fault

Zeroth "Don't blame yourself kid, your soul did it unconsciously"

"Yeah but still, Is there anyways to wake him up??"

Zeroth "leave that to us, we can give him the energy to wake up"

"wait really?"

Gawain "Yes but it might come from some side effect"

"side effect??"

Gawain "since we are spirits, when he wakes up he's going to be outside his body and in a form of a soul that no one can see other than you. Also, he has to come back to your body due to it being his body"

"I see, how about me getting back to my world?"

Zeroth "To get back to your world you need enough power to split the barrier and when that happens you need to use all your power to travel to your world and get in your body."

"how much power do I need?"

Zeroth "it had to say but even if all the power of Excalibur and our were given to you, You still wouldn't be close to the power you need"

As I sat there trying to compend what they just told me, I heard my friend calling me out

Esther "it seems like your friend and family need. When you wake up, you will find yourself in pain due to your ripped off-hand and also due to your body not being prepared for the energy that Excalibur gave you"

Before I could say anything, Everything disappeared around me.