chapter 15

As I sat down on the seat, I got introduced to the 6 generals. There was Merlin the grand master of magic, Ahimoth, the bringer of death, Raya, the priestess, Everett, the brute, Johann the master alchemist and Han, the saviour.

Now that the introduction

Leonidas "Now that the introduction is over, let's get started on why I brought you here, What happened to your village?

"why don't you ask my mom or anyone else since I passed out right after I entered the village?"

Merlin "he's lying"

Leonidas "don't try to lie to us, Merlin put on a truth spell."

Damn of course they did. I wanted to lie and get out so I can get enough power and get to my world

"Why don't ask my mom or anyone else since I'm tired"

Leonidas "everyone is unconscious when we arrive to help"

"Everyone, Including my family?"

Leonidas "yes so tell us what happened there"

"Well, you wouldn't believe me anyways".

Everett "we've seen a lot of crazy stuff trust me when I say we can't be surprised by anything"

"Alright then here's the story"

I told them the story up to the part where the shadow general ripped off my hand and after I passed out. After I was finished talking, the general all looked pale.

Raya "Merlin, is he telling the truth"

Merlin "yes but he's not telling the whole story."

Leonidas "listen, kid, you have to tell us the whole truth. It is really important"

I thought about it for a moment and decided it is best if I told them the whole truth since there seems to be no way to go around Merlin's truth spell.

"Alright then here's the truth, I used a sword called Excalibur to battle the shadow general and fought him until he retreated then I passed out and had a talk with some guys that were in Excalibur and after I heard my friend and woke up."

Han "A sword that can rival a shadow general and even pass its power"

Johann "interesting I never heard of this sword, mind telling us about this sword"

"well, they told me that the power boost that I got from the sword was only a fraction of the power it has."

Leonidas "The name was Excalibur right, It sounds familiar"

Ahimoth "Right it does sound familiar, Mind telling us about the people in the sword?"

"Well to start they seem powerful and their name was Gawain, who said he used the sword power to make many advancements in magic, then there was Zeroth who used Excalibur for knowledge and then there was Esther who used its power to slay demons and monster. They also said I'm not allowed to use the sword until I show my worth and they only gave me some power to fight the shadow general."

After I was done talking, everyone was shocked, even Raya who seemed like a calm person.

Leonidas "Excalibur is Caledfwich!"

"Huh what? oh yeah, my mom had a sword and the chaos general kept on saying how Caledfwich is a really powerful sword and how people who know its true name can use its power and how only the chaos king knew its true name."

Leonidas "Merlin, is he telling the truth"

Merlin "yes he is"

Leonidas "Listen here kid, are you a spy?"

"what why would I be a spy and who whom?"

Leonidas "You aren't worthy for the sword and you somehow know Caledfwich's true name when we tried for years yet we can't and the only other person who knows Caledfwich's true name is the chaos king "

"well I'm not a spy and I don't go to destroy and take over thing world"

Merlin "he's telling the truth"

Everett "then how does he know Caledfwich's true name"

"well that's kinda complicated but I'm from another world in which we have myths and legends about someone name Arthur Pendragon and how he was worthy enough to get pull a sword out of a stone which was called Excalibur and there is a language in my world called Welsh and it so happened that Caledfwich mean Excalibur in Welsh so I said Excalibur and the sword transformed from a giant chuck of metal into a sword"

Raya "That is hard to believe"

Merlin "It is but he's telling the truth"

Johann "Wait if you are from another world then what happened to Grace's brother?"

"he is in my head and also Graces know about this and most everybody I know expert my parent"

Han "I see so what's your goal?"

"My goal huh, well it is to go back to my world while escaping Arthur's body so my soul can go to my body which is still in my world"

Leonidas "This is a lot of information and we will be discussing it later but right now it's best to look out for more of the Chaos king general"

Leonidas got up and behind me, a portal was made and Leonidas told me to go through the portal and it will lead me to a room and take a rest and then tomorrow he will take me to my family and then we talk more about how to use Excalibur. I step through the portal and just as Leonidas has said I was in a room which looked like any other room with a wooden wall a small window and a bed next to the widow. I was too tired to care if this was safe or not and just drop onto the bed and slept.