Existence of Hell was something that every mythogy all over Earth and apparently all over the universe had! There was always a god that was in charge of the place and seeing as this was the DC universe where the entire universe is built on Christian mythology, Hell was ruled by Cassandra. But, since this Hell was the perfect example of how evil doers should be punished, there came a need to replicate it's system. However, not just everyone could do it so they did the next best thing, try to either steal part of the infinite space or broker a part of it!
"So troublesome!" Cassandra sighed as she caught a god of the underworld of an alien species trying to fracture off a piece of hell. Her sigh startled the god so much he nearly fell comically before turning around as he released his divine aura.
"Who goes there!" he boomed, trying to assert his dominance.
"The current ruler of this piece of misery, who are you?" she asked him.
"I am Desecious, the god of death and the underworld!" the man shouted, making a special effect of fireworks go off behind him.
'What a dram queen!' she deadpanned.
"Okay, why are you here again? I did not sense your death nor did I see your name among the damned," she questioned him.
"I want a piece of your Hell. I can take it by force or you can just give it to me," he said, making her sigh even more.
"Listen, bud, I'm the ruler, not the owner of this place, okay. It belonged to an overprotective father that would rather hide His errant son than give him the appropriate punishment deserving of his crime," she informed the god.
"Hey!" they both heard a shout of complaint from Lucifer.
"Then bring the owner here so that I can talk with him. I am too mighty to talk to a lakey!" the god said.
"Nice knowing you, buddy!" Lucifer laughed at the god, leaving him confused.
Cassandra appeared in front of him, a punch already connected to his face and before he could even form a string of thoughts, he was blasted backwards, skipping on the ground like a flat surfaced stone on water, leaving ditches till he finally stopped a few million miles away. His skin and muscles were gone from his face, chest and legs but they started healing rapidly as he groaned, trying to get up.
Cassandra appeared above him holding an orb of pure demonic energy which she brought down onto the god. An explosion like a planet colliding with another ravaged the surface of hell for a couple hundred millions miles, the shockwaves destroying the landscape to a terrifying level. But the demonic miasma that came next made even Lucifer whistle is amazement.
"This is no place for puny heretics to come waving their dicks around and expect to be served!" Cassandra shouted as she made bigger orb of demonic energy which she threw down to the god that was barely even conscious. Another wave of destruction travelled all over Hell, the miasma so potent that some demons just died after being exposed. The god was now borderline unconscious, the demonic miasma corroding his body and eating on his energy!
"I apologize for seeming so enthusiastic while doing this, I am just doing my job," she said before a sadistic grin came on her face. "And I am loving every single second of it!"
She dropped two more of these orbs onto the god before she decided he had enough. What was left of him was just a smear of dark blood which she collected then reformed the god back. However, there was a big difference between him of now and before for now he could be called a demonic diety! His skin had turned dark, his ears sharpened at the tip, his eyes turned red, his hands became claw like, his feet were like those of a goat and two goat horns protruded from his head.
"My Lady, what shall you have of me?" he spoke, his voice sinisterly deep.
"I want you to go back to your planet and kill all the other dieties there before bringing their souls to Hell for punishment. Use any means you want to accomplish this task, even if you have to ravage the entire world. Fail me and I will personally see to your torture!" she ordered him. The demon smiled sinisterly before bowing respectfully to her. He used his enhanced demonic divine powers to make a tear in space and fly out with a howl.
"Eish, what a dram queen!" she sighed when she heard him howl.
"That was simply splendid. Though I have to ask, to what end did you send that abomination away for? Couldn't you have gone there yourself?" Lucifer asked. She teleported next to his cage.
"I would have but that would have been boring. It's like bullying little children with the power I have. Besides, the news will spread about how a god tried to steal from Hell but was turned into Hell's Inquisitor, turned against his own pantheon. If he dies I'll simply revive him, torture him for some eons in a time dilated chamber then send him back with those memories as motivation. I simply cannot let a pantheon that dared infiltrate Hell live on!"
"I'm liking this side of you already. We are going to get along swimmingly," Lucifer was simply enjoying himself.
In heaven, he found his brothers and sisters to be sticks in the mud, Especially one of them called Ammenediel! He, Lucifer and Micheal were competitors in everything they did and most of the time, Ammenediel won. Lucifer would be banned for taking shortcuts and all that, simply having fun when everyone else was just too serious for their own good. Seeing a demon that was actually doing its job and having fun made him think that perhaps there is just more to a demon than he realized.
'Is this why you brought me to Hell, so that I can see through both sides?' he asked while looking up.
"Well, I you'll excuse me, I have a Hell to fix," she said then teleported back to the battleground. She looked at the ravaged place and suddenly felt a little indignant. "Should have made him clean this shit up before letting him go!"
She first filled up the ditches left by the god when she ragdolled him with a punch. Then, she grew new mountains and fiery pits to replace the once that had been destroyed by the shockwaves. She was just glad that there were no souls in them yet or they would be in parts of hell they were not supposed to be! The thick demonic miasma she had produced was next to go for it was spreading fast!
Even if it was of demonic energy, the miasma was just too potent. It was like comparing a drop of normal water and another drop of concentrated water! If you drink a glass of normal water you will be fine but a cup of concentrated water is bad for your body. Her miasma was so potent it would corrode any demon to death and leave a possible Lord of Hell a raving lunatic! She collected it all and absorbed it back inside her.
"I might have gone overboard here," she said looking at the crater the size of Earth's moon. "Well, this might as well be a new fiery pit." She filled it with tar like substance before litting it aflame. Suddenly, an ethereal blue flame spread all over the surface as the tar provided its source of fuel, producing a new kind of fiery pit.
"Hmm, it must be because of the miasma. Even if I absorbed all of it, it was still potent enough to leave behind side effects, especially here where I was concentrating all of it on!" she concluded.