She Is My Responsibility

Liam entered the ward with his assistant, like a king, and the king's advisor, "Are you a pig?" that was the first question he asked Heemani.

Heemani who was eating her tangerine in peace looked at him in a disgusted manner "Oink Oink" she sounded without giving a damn.

"Oh I see, action speaks louder than voice," he said and sat down on the couch majestically. Sarah look fed up, she doesn't have any answers to why an heir to a fortune is interested in her friend "Why is he here again?" she thought.

"I appreciate all your efforts today Mr. CEO, but I need to rest, you can go to your mansion" Heemani chased him stylishly. "It's late already, I don't know what you are still doing here" she complained. Alfred also reasoned that the lady was right but he couldn't voice his opinion.

"Don't think am doing all this for free, in one way or the other you will have to pay for it" he smirked.

The last thing Heemani would want is for her to owe him anything "Mr. CEO, please take me back to the general ward, I can afford that. You brought me to this ward when I was unconscious, you know I can't afford it" she complained, even though she sounds ungrateful, she has to do that so as not to owe him anything.

"Silly girl," he said in a deep tone, the word silly coming out of his mouth will make any lady go crazy, even Sarah has goosebumps all over her body but Heemani wasn't moved a bit.

"I only owe you a meal," she said. "And I apologize if I sounded like an ingrate" she added.

Liam stand up from the couch, he moved closed to Heemani, collected the sliced tangerine in her hand, and ate it "Of course, you owe me a meal" he smirked. Alfred couldn't believe his eyes, the Liam he knew would never collect anything to eat from anybody, for a moment Alfred thought his boss has been swapped.

"That was the last piece left" Heemani complained. "I need to sleep, you can leave now," Heemani said.

"I will leave, see you tomorrow," he said without any argument.

"Finally" she breathed in relief.

Sarah phone ranged, and she picked up an instant "Hello Ezra, where are you?" she asked. Liam heard her loud and clear "Oh Ezra, interesting," he said and went back to his seat on the couch, his action confused Alfred.

"Okay, am coming right now," Sarah said and hung up. Heemani looked at Sarah "Is he here?" she asked.

"Yes, I will go bring him now," she said and left the room immediately.

"Aren't you leaving yet?" Heemani asked curiously. "I think you should go now," Heemani said, she doesn't want Ezra to meet strange guys in her ward.

Liam looked disappointed, "How dare her!" he thought. "Oh, you want to hide me from your boyfriend, I won't let that happen," he thought.

"I am not moving an inch," he said coldly and crossed his legs. Alfred who was standing beside him didn't have any explanation for why his boss was acting weird, even on the date he didn't focus on his date.

Heemani's jaw dropped "I'm so sorry to say this but you are a weirdo," she said boldly out of frustration.

Sarah arrived with Ezra, his heart broke as he see his little sister, he didn't notice the presence of the two other men, his gaze was focused on Heemani, and he rushed towards her. Ezra hugged his little sister, "It hurts Ezra" Heemani complained like a baby, her voice which was harsh before was now gentle and cool like that of a baby.

Ezra released her from his embrace, and he pecked her forehead, Liam was eating jars of vinegar, if looks could kill, Ezra would be dead, it will be brutal death.

"How are you feeling now?" he asked. Heemani smiled at him "I feel better and strong" she assured him. Sarah looked at the two siblings, "They love each other so much" she smiled.

Ezra signs in relief after Heemani assured him that although he felt bad for having fun while his sister was in a state of emergency.

He looks around the ward, and he saw his cold gaze of Liam, he was intimidated by his look "Who are they?" he asked Heemani.

Heemani smiled awkwardly "Ezra, this man right here saved my life, if not for him I might be dead," she said pointing at Liam whose facial expression can't be read at that time, whether he was angry or happy no one knows.

"He paid the hospital bills, thanks to him, Heemani is staying in a VIP ward" Sarah explained further.

"All thanks to him," Heemani said, since Liam was so stubborn and didn't leave before Ezra arrived, she has no choice but to introduce him to Ezra which she doesn't want to do.

After Ezra heard all that Liam has done, he moved toward Liam, he bowed in front of him "Thank you so much, sir, for saving her life, she means the whole world to me" he said showing his appreciation.

"Don't thank me, she is my responsibility" Liam said coldly.

Ezra looked at his sister, he doesn't understand what Liam meant by his responsibility.

Heemani choked on her saliva after hearing what came out of Liam's mouth, she quickly laughed it off "He is such a jovial person, isn't he Sarah" she laughed awkwardly. Sarah understood the assignment "Yes he is" she joined Heemani in laughing.

"Am not joking, she is my responsibility" he said in a threatening manner and left the ward, Alfred followed him. Liam left because if he stay any longer, he might kill Ezra with his bare hands out of jealousy.

"Why is he acting like that?" Ezra questioned his sister. Heemani doesn't even know how to explain the kind of person Liam was, it will look somehow, " Argh, my head hurt" she complained. Ezra moves closer to her "Sorry my dear, rest. I will watch over you" Ezra assured his sister.

Heemani wasn't having a headache, she acted like that to avoid any questions about Liam.