Mysterious Guy

Lola instructs the workers working in the Smith mansion hall with enthusiasm. She wants a perfect decorated hall for the family dinner, her morale was boosted when her father-in-law informed her that the media will be present to capture the beautiful bonds between the Smiths and Fredericks.

"Work faster, no time to rest, I do not want any mistakes" she instructed the workers, they bowed and reply in unison "Yes madam," they said and continue their work.

The Smith are respectable people in society, they are part of the top three families ruling the business world, and any event they organized must be the talk of the town, it was the rule made by Madam Smith to her two daughters-in-law, they must be in charge of the arrangement and a perfect work must be done to be in her good side. The pressure was on Lola, to top it all it was her son's engagement, she must make him proud.

Miranda Smith enters the Smith hall for the event, it was located in the mansion and was only meant for the Smith for holding an event "I see you are working hard" she said with a hint of sarcasm. She walked towards Lola. Lola crossed her arms ready for war "Of course, I must prepare harder, my only son is getting engaged, I am so proud of him" she praised him. Miranda sneered "I wondered what you did to him to make him agree to the engagement" she gazed at her suspiciously.

Lola laughed hysterically, she moved closer to Miranda "My son's aim is always to make me proud, my happiness is his priority, unlike your gay son" she whispered to Miranda.

That was a huge blow to Miranda, her face looked pale, and Lola was right, she hit the nail on the head. Miranda composed herself, she forced out a smile "I see you haven't heard, my boy Ezra is going out with the infamous President's daughter" she said proudly.

Lola smiled " "You expect me to believe that big lie from you," she said in a mockery tone.

"Now if you may excuse me, I am busy" Lola walked away from her. Miranda furiously left the hall, and Lola had a satisfied look.

Ezra had been helping the maids in the kitchen while Butler Cameron went to the grocery store. Ezra was bored alone at the house, with no one to talk to since Terry wasn't around, Ezra had called Heemani to inform her that he will be busy throughout the day. Out of boredom, he stands up from the bed and walked outside, he takes the stairs and entered the kitchen, the maids bowed "Do you need anything sir" one of the maids asked respectfully. They were informed by Butler Cameron about who Ezra was, they must give him the utmost respect.

Ezra gave a light smile "You guys continue your work, I am here to cook for Terry, he must be exhausted" he said with care. One of the maids walked toward him and bowed "Sir, you are a guest, we can't stress you sir" she apologized.

Ezra appreciate her consideration "Don't worry, I am not stressed, I just want to prepare a delicacy for him, I will love you guys' help and support" he declared and walked toward the cabinet to start the meal.

After spending thirty minutes with Ezra, the maids talked to him freely because he was jovial and free with them, he seems popular with the ladies. "Pass me the fresh tomatoes," he said to the maid beside him. "Yes sir, she nodded.

One of the gardeners entered the kitchen in haste, be bowed " I apologize for coming here, there is a man outside causing chaos" he said with fear on his face. Ezra paused what he was doing, "Who is the man?" Ezra asked.

"I don't know sir, your attention is needed," he said in a panic. Ezra cleaned his hands with the napkin and rushed outside with the gardener. A young handsome-looking guy was outside the compound assaulting the gateman. Ezra ran towards him, he pushed him away from hitting the gatekeeper "What is wrong with you? Who are you?" he questioned him?

His dress defined him as wealthy, he stand up from the floor, he dusts his trouser, and he stare deadly at Ezra "And who the hell are you, your face kinda looks familiar, where is my boyfriend?" He asked rudely.

"Please leave this place, before I call the police on you, this is private property" Ezra warned politely.

The guy smirked "I guess your boss didn't inform all of you about who I am, I am Terry's one and only boyfriend, he can't breathe without me" He said proudly. Ezra laughed at his word "Listen, young man, stop causing a scene here, stop calling my own Terry your boyfriend, he is my boyfriend and we are in love" he said with confidence trying to protect his right.

The mysterious guy chuckled "You are such a joker". The scene was interrupted by a honk, the gateman jumped in excitement "It's young master Terry's horn" he pressed the remote button in his hand, and the gate opened wide, Ezra and the mysterious guy stood beside him. Terry whine the car glass down when he saw Ezra with a guy, he couldn't recognize He stopped the car engine and alights of the car, he walked toward Ezra without looking at the guy, he holds Ezra's hand "My love, are you okay love?" He asked. "Who is this?" His gaze fell on the guy, and his jaw dropped, he looks pale "W... doing here?" He stuttered. The mysterious guy move closer to him, he pecked him "Hello, young master Terry, you look so hot, can I have you here" he winked seductively.

Ezra's heart beat faster "Who is he, Terry talk to me," he asked in fear. Terry was too shocked to speak, the guy faced Ezra "I told you loser, we are lovers" he declared.