" I knew he cheated before getting the trophy"Bintu(second child) said angrily.

"No,he didn't,we all know he got what he worked for"Maqsud(first child) replied with a decent smile on his face.

"I want to watch my baby tv, daddy said you should change the channel now!"Muneera(third child) complained.

"Hey dear, don't cry now, we'll switch the channel for the baby of the house to mingle with the babies in the tv"Maqsud said as he handled the remote control over to Muneera.

Twelve years ago,Mr Wahab married a very beautiful and intelligent lady called Stella, they're wedding has been a success, despite the religious difference,Mr Wahab is a very good barrister and he also doesn't deal with bribes while His wife is a banker, but presently a full house wife after been sacked on a false accusation by her colleague that envies her loyalty, Stella planned to search for another job but her husband declined her request due to the embarrassment from the last one,He promised to provide and Carter for the household efficiently since his doing well and getting regular promotions at work,The couple already have three children (A son and two daughters),He enrolled them in a very good private school and also pays their school charges without any delay or obstacle.

"Darling, you all should get dressed in the next hour,we are going for Saturday hangout as usual"Mr wahab said to his wife.

"ooooh mine, we'll be a bit late today sweetie"Stella replied as she watched the time on her wrist watch.

"but it's okay in an hour time,or are you planning something without my knowledge?"Mr Wahab teased at his wife.

"And if yes,are you already jealous?"Stella asked jokingly.

"I guess I've been since the day I set my eyes on you, seeing you is grace, knowing you is a blessing and having you as a wife and the mother of my children is an eternal satisfaction"Mr Wahab replied with a whispered voice like that of a wind in the desert.

"oooh heavens, you flatter me,my head is

swollen already and am blushing out my chin, okay now, I'll tell you my plans,am getting married again"Stella said trying to put on a serious look.

"ooooh! you naughty girl,I know we always get married every Saturday, that's not a big deal, just get dressed up and pour out the laughter in that tiny mouth, don't try putting up a strange look because it's not working,I know you a hundred percent"Mr Wahab replied with a decent smile.

(Laughed out loud)"am being serious here, Holy Mary,the time's gone already, talking with you has always been like this,I get fully carried away,what a hubby!"Stella said as she pulled out her husband's nose.

"Awwwww,My nose,where are you heading?"Mr Wahab asked.

"For church, morning service, I'll be back soon, it's an hour worship, Maqsud will co ordinate his siblings,so when I get back, we'll go for*The Mr Wahab's family Saturday*"Stella replied.

"Okay dearie,are the kids going with you today?"Mr Wahab asked.

"No, Maqsud and Bintu said they are on a church break, Muneera would love to come along but she's fast asleep,so I'll be going alone"Stella answered politely.

(Burst into laughter)My funny kids,*church break*, it's okay, you just carry on, we'll be awaiting your arrival"He said.

(smile) "funny indeed,l know when they become matured, they will surely choose where they want to belong, switching place of worship often is pure childishness, sounds nice though, but it's a matter of time, that I Know"Stella added.

"sure,it is. Hop in my car, I'll love to give you a ride to the church"Mr Wahab concluded.

"I'll just be fine if I go by mine, you can stay with the kids, really appreciated"Stella declined the request with a warm voice.

"it's okay, I'll just be right back, but if you insist on going your self, it's fine, I'd just love to give you a ride this sparkling morning, and at least get blessed for taking my wife to a house of worship, that's all"Mr Wahab replied with a welcoming smile.

"ooooh you naughty, okay, let's go, but you'll have to make it snappy, settled?"Stella agreed.

"fine,big mouth"Mr Wahab teased as he opened the car door for his wife to step in.

They drove out in his car, Stella is presently not comfortable doing nothing and being a full house wife all day,She really wants to be financially supportive to the family even after her husband is providing all their needs and wants without delays and complains,she isn't still okay with that decision of his.So her husband finally agreed after continuous request of her getting huge loan from the bank to start up a bull mart.

"Hey,come ride, don't just stand there watching like a novice"Maqsud said to Bintu.

"don't just gett on my nerves now,I trust you know the reason am only watching you guys have fun, since my loneliness is not noticed by neither Mom nor Dad,am not seeking your attention either, just let me be boy!"Bintu replied rudely.

"What you always fail to remember is that you're my little sister and you don't have to seek my attention, I'll always give it,get that noted,so what if I honestly don't know what's your problem presently, you're always full of drama, you're also one unique attention seeker I don't know how to handle, when I give, you complain and when I don't, you get really mad.So what do you seek this time drama queen?"Maqsud asked his sister.

"(claps), nice question bro,can you see that classy fancy ride beside the fountain? focus and look straight over there,see it?"She asked happily.

"yeah,I can see it,is the most expensive ride in the city,so what's up with it?"

"That's just the simple answer to your question,I wanna ride on it,my last request before I leave the park, it's that simple"Bintu replied with a smile.

"it's not that simple you see, the ride is really expensive,and am not sure your request will be granted today"He replied in surprise.

"So bro,can you give me reasons why my request will be declined,or are you the one paying?

"Bint dear,I Know am not the one paying but be considerable,We ate in the trending eatery which costs alot,we drank the most expensive ice cream in the city,Dad got us expensive toys and a special teddy for you, hope you're aware he just cleared our school charges, and all you could do was ask for an additional expensive ride,maybe you've forgotten mom's not working anymore"Maqsud added in anger.

"it's okay, let's all go for the ride, Maqsud get Muneera"Mr Wahab heard their conversation and agreed.

"Thanks Dad,l love you,(she hugged him)

but Dad,bro Maqsud always makes me feel guilty like am a bad child whenever I say what I want"Bintu complained.

"it's okay now,none of you are bad,I have raised the best children everyone could ever want, don't just be rude to anyone,be it your elder or younger one"Mr Wahab corrected her.

"am sorry"Bintu apologized.

"it's fine, but Dad you have to make her understand that she just can't get all she desire"Maqsud replied calmly.

"She will learn, it's a matter of time I guess she's just being childish"Stella added.

"No,my daughter isn't childish, she's brave,I know you'll would like to have that ride,but you lack the courage to ask"Mr Wahab

replied immediately because Bintu thinks that the word "childishness" is a big insult to her personality.

(They all burst into laughter)

"you see, like I've always said, having my Dad by my side feels like I have the world on my palm,(my Dad,my strength)"Bintu replied with a grateful smile.

"The world on your palm, meaning?"Maqsud asked jokingly.

"meaning:I can crush you"She teased and they all laughed.