Cry of the CITIZENS

One faithful day,Maqsud called his Dad and told him about his plans of getting a small apartment in the city because of his seek for standard Job and cost of transportation.

"I have no problems with that at all,but the fact is this,I don't want to go into a rented apartment,You all can go, when you buy a house over there, then I can move to the city"Wahab said.

"I would've also love to buy a house, but presently,my money at hand won't be enough to purchase a house in the city but I'll see what I can do for now because I can't leave just you here"Maqsud explained.

"Okay Son,but trust me,I can stay here alone, I'll be just fine, you needn't to worry much"Wahab insisted.

Maqsud talked to Bintu about his plans and she assisted him with some money from her savings,So they will purchase an apartment in the city and take their Dad along.

"My Son,am worried, how will you be collecting money from your sister that's schooling, and how's she able to make money while schooling,am scared she's not schooling but working"Wahab asked anxiously.

"(bursts into laughter),She is schooling, and what you forgot is this,our currency differs, small money over there is big here when converted,to cutt the whole story short,she works during her leisure period at school,So she still schools"Maqsud replied.

They got an apartment in the city and moved over there. Maqsud confidently kept on submitting application later. One faithful morning, Wahab went for workout,then suddenly, his eyes captured his old friend (Derick).

"Excuse me, Derick,is this truly you or my eyes are deceiving me"Wahab asked in surprise,as he removed his glasses to see properly.

"My friend, I've long hoped to see you one day, here you are,what a lucky day"Derick replied with an embrace.

"Come, let's sit and discuss,I really don't like your present look,what happened to you, what're you doing in this is environment, how's your family doing?"Wahab asked many questions in a jiffy.

"Am in pain,am frustrated, after you left,my only daughter got admission,and I sent her to study abroad,few years back,she was done, worked over there for some time,then she came back to visit us,One day she went to the spa,then on her way out,a rude guy harassed her,then she reacted by giving him a slap on his face not knowing his the Son of the former governor,the guy hunted her afterwards and raped her, I couldn't file the case because he threatened to kill my daughter, few weeks later,my daughter went back abroad and suddenly after some months,she came back really I'll,we took her to the hospital but she couldn't survive it,my wife made a public report on the rape that led to our daughter's death, couple of weeks after the report,I found her murdered in her car, then the ex governor himself threatened to kill me if I have plans of tarnishing his son's image, shortly after that, they attacked me in my estate,but I managed to escape"Derick narrated in tears as he couldn't say anymore.

"So pathetic,I warned you then,now you and your family have fallen victims of the leader's evil, "THE SPIDER WILL ALWAYS MAKE WEBS, CURBING OF THE WEBS ISN'T A SOLUTION BUT GETTING RID OF THE SPIDER WILL PREVENT YOU FROM BEEN A PREY OF IT'S WEBS". please take it easy on yourself (phone rings). I also went through hell but we'll discuss another day,my son just called me"Wahab said as they exchanged contacts and went their separate ways.

"I thought you went for interview,what happened?"Wahab asked his son.

"Yes,but they postponed the interview,on my way back,I met Daniel,my best friend at primary school then,He is now very wealthy, driving a luxurious car, he's even the one that brought me home"Maqsud explained.

"That's good for him,be very careful because in this life,what come fast won't last long and it will leave you with regrets, but what comes with patience will stay forever and always make you smile"Wahab gave indirect speech.

Wahab became frustrated, after submitting application letters and attending interviews for years yet no work. Bintu is done schooling and will be coming back to her county.

"Daddy, Bintu will be coming back to the country any time from now, she's done schooling"Maqsud told his dad.

"Wow, that's a very good news,I can't wait to embrace her,how about Muneera, when is she also coming to visit?"Wahab asked.

"She will come after this semester's exams, she's yet to start but she'll soon come"Maqsud replied.

Bintu came back to the country with an excellent result and many goods she bought for her family.

"I sent Muneera an Android phone,so we can make video calls,are you all ready because it's a family one"Bintu said.

Bintu: Hello last born

Muneera:Hi, sister Good afternoon,am so thankful for the gifts,I love them,most especially the phone.

Bintu: you're welcome my love.

Wahab: My dear, how's studies, hope you're good?

Muneera: Dad,am very well and studies is going smoothly.

Maqsud:My little adult, how're you?

Muneera:Big Brother,am very well but little adult gives me headache,am fully a grown up adult and would be graduate soon.

All: Laughed out loud.

There's one lecturer that has always been disturbing Muneera in school but when he finds her too difficult to handle,he decided to check on another trick, He then told her that he'll purposely fail Muneera in this upcoming exams and final year exams,if she refuse to consider his advances because he knows that his course is one of Muneera's core courses.

"Ooh God, please help me in this decision of mine,my family has gone through alot to see me study,most especially my sister,she has sacrificed so much for me,I can't appreciate that with a poor result,I most get my full marks and make my family proud of me,I think I'll give him what he wants inorder to get my full marks"Muneera thought deeply to her self.

She later gave her body to him after much threats.

One hot Afternoon, Bintu went out to buy some provisions,then she saw her former primary school friend, with a baby on her arms.

"Praise, how've you been,and how's your twin precious?"Bintu asked in surprise.

"Hey, Bintu, it's really been a while though am good but precious is no more"She replied in a falling tone.

"Oooh,so sorry about that,is this your sister?"Bintu pointed her hand at the girl on her arms.

"It's okay,No, she's my daughter,I got pregnant during the long school strike and during that same strike period,I lost my sister to the cold hands of death"She replied in tears.

"it's okay, please stop crying, everything happens for a reason, and all will be well soon,just have faith and depend on God"She said as she felt pathetic.

"it's not okay, you don't understand,I've experienced what my mouths can't say,the country has reaped of my joy and left me with pains"She lamented in tears.

"I truly understand you because I also saw hell, I've seen pain physically, mentally and emotionally,this country has fed on the joy of the citizens"Bintu consoled her before going separate ways.

"This afternoon, someone sent me this note with a notice that says my friend Derick is dead, here, take and read to our hearing"Wahab said to his children as he handled over the note to Bintu.

"Suicide was never an option,but the country has made it a peaceful decision,the leaders took away my only joy by killing my wife and only daughter,how am I expected to live without those that make my world meaningful and yet they still want my head, I've been running around,I stayed out of my comfort zone. Ooh, what is life without my daughter,I worked so hard to make sure she never lacked anything,I took my time and gave her proper training,I gave her all my love, attention and care.but am happily writing this letter because am finally going with them, I'll advise all that have the privilege to do the right thing at the right time. Good bye.

Mostly dedicated to a strong man,( Wahab)."Bintu read the letter in tears.

"Daddy, it's okay, please cry no more, it'll affect your health"Maqsud consoled his Dad.