Ch 2:The Day I Became a Spirit

"So this is it... My new life..." Kurumi said as she looks around

She was still confused since Zafkiel didn't say anything and only told her to find out the answer herself.

As she look around she saw a pond of water and move towards it to see her current Figure.

And when she saw her Reflection she was shocked Her face was the same as before but It was more Refined and Even more beautiful, One of her Eyes Was Crimson Red While the others had A Golden Clock on it.

"Wow I look like an Anime character," Kurumi said

After a while, she composes herself and stands up now how about my Power how am I supposed to use it?

When she was thinking about her power information on how to use it came boring in her head.

"So that's how I'm supposed to use it Let's Try... come to me ZAFKIEL"

After Kurumi said that An giant Golden Clock Came out on her back and from it, two flintlock firearms came out one was a Pistol and the other was a musket.

"Wow... That's super cool"

Kurumi spent time adjusting to her new body and also Tried Some of her power.

After she Finish checking out her New powers she imidiatly look around where she was.

"This doesn't look like the Orcus Labyrinth," Kurumi said as she continues to walk around the place.

She walks until she finds a place that's coved in Ice and Snow.

"Snow?" Kurumi said As she looks around only to find a Giant Wolf That had white fur and a Horn sticking to its head.

"Who are you?" The wolf said

'it spoke' Kurumi thought with Suprise's expression

"I'm asking you a question Human," The Wolf said as it sniff Kurumi

"That odd you have a scent of the Master of my Father are you Perhaps related to the Supreme One?" The wolf said to Kurumi

"Supreme one? I don't know who that was but I'm actually lost so can you help me find the exit here" Kurumi said

The wolf Steps away and Looks at Kurumi with A serious look.

"If you want to get out of here you have to go through me!" The wolf Declared

"I figured you will say that... ZAFKIEL" Kurumi said as a Giant Clock appeared from her back.

The two firearms came out from it Kurumi pointed the pistol towards The Wolf and Fire it but the wolf dodged it by stepping to the other side.

"Nice try... Blizzard Storm" The wolf said as a judge Blizzard approached Kurumi

The Blizzard Had a temperature of -480 degrees Celsius which can freeze a person to death.

"Not today Wolfie... ZAFKIEL Aleph" Kurumi Uses her first Bullet to herself to accelerate her Speed and Reaction Time, she manages to Jump out of the range of the Blizzard, Point her Pistol at the wolf, and fired two normal bullets.

The bullet manage to touch the fire of the Wolf But it only did a little to none.

"Was that supposed to hurt me?" The wolf said with a mocking tone

"Don't get Cocky Little puppy" Kurumi said as she Jump up to the world and Fired another bullet but this time it was infused with magic.

{A/N:Yes Kurumi can use Magic here so don't ask}

The bullet pierced the Wolf's skin and it Growling in Pain

Kurumi Continues to Fire the bullet at it and the wolf also tried to attack with Ice magic but it runs out of Magic power leaving the wolf Vulnerable to Kurumi's attack.

"It's my win little puppy" Kurumi wait with a smile as she was about to pull the trigger of her Pistol that was aimed at the wolf's head.

"It's your win, I accept you as my new Master," The wolf said and Kurumi was left speechless.

After a few minutes, Kurumi Manage to Return back to her sense.

"You accept me as my master?" Kurumi asks While having a Confuse look.

The wolf then Explained to her that her real mission was to guard the Gate That was behind the wolf and to serve whoever Those who defeated him.

"Why would you accept such a job?" Kurumi asks the wolf

"Because I wanted to and it's a Judge's honor to serve the supreme one," The wolf said

'just who is this supreme one?" Kurumi asks in her mind

"Then I will give you a name as a sign that you are my companion," Kurumi said as she start to think of a good name.

"Let's see what can be a good name....ahhh...I will now be known as Fuyu" Kurumi said and I. At that moment The two felt a connection between them as if their souls had been tied together

"I Fuyu will Serve you for internity master," Fuyu said as its body was glowing and all of his injuries are starting to heal.

After a while, the door Behind Fuyu opened and Kurumi also Walk Inside.

When they Arrive at the end Kurumi saw a Girl with red hair Chained by Frozen Chain the girl look at Kurumi with her Krimson eyes.

"Who are you? Are you here to kill me too?" The girl asks


Meanwhile, in Hajime, he obtained new powers by eating monster meat.

Hajime was currently killing a horde of Lizard that can petrify a person when they look at them.

"This bastard is quite annoying," Hajime said as he fires his Revolver called doner at the lizard and continued his way down to the labyrinth.

He also takes a rest and while he was resting he thought of Kurumi who sacrifices herself just to save him.

For Hajime Kurumi was someone very special to him someone that he Loved.

But the girl that she Loved Died in front of him and he promised that he wouldn't waste the second chance that Kurumi gives him.

Hajime Continues to go down and ends up in a Room with a Person sealed in it.



New chapter Hope you guys like it.

I'll be skipping A few Things that happen in anime but I won't skip the crucial part.

Up Ned: The Girl of Flame