Bike race?

"I thought you were going to keep your eyes on me, but you seemed quite busy with her. Making me doubt if you really do not have feelings for each other." Rain spoke lightly to Chris when she was done. 

They were currently leaving the school, and while she and Chris were walking ahead, Noel and Rachel were behind. 

He had wanted to take a stroll with her, while Rain wanted the same with Chris. 

And it was quite interesting because it seemed like many guys who had been in the court had their eyes on Rain, and the girls had theirs on Noel. But these two friends simply snatched them away as soon as the game ended. The athletes hadn't even bothered to wash up or change out of their vests before leaving with them. 


"I did watch your practice. I honestly didn't think you'd be that good." He said honestly. Even though he had been chatting with Rachel most of the time, they had also paid attention to their practice, and he had truly been enthralled.