The August Visitors (2)

 "He must have been embarrassed, wasn't he?"  Mrs. Owen asked Rachel.

Rachel smiled timidly and shook her head. "He... is trying to live as low-key as possible. But he really misses you two."


"He is an Owen. He'll soon realize that he cannot hide it for a long time." His father said. 


"How is he coping? Is he fine? Does he look healthy? Is he feeding well?" The woman asked, looking concerned. 


Rachel nodded. "He likes this place. And the food here is really nice. You do not have to worry so much about him. He handles everything just fine." She assured them. 


"I doubt that. I'm not sure why he chose this place, but whenever he feels like leaving, remind him that he can talk to us any time, okay?" 


The 'rich people' vibe was slowly beginning to sip out, making Rachel a bit uncomfortable, but she managed a smile with a promise to do just that.