Movie night?

"So now I am petty?" Chris asked in disbelief. 

Who was the one who had been acting like a grumpy old lady the entire time? 

"You think I do not have any reason to be pissed?" Sky asked him, making Chris properly sit up to look at this guy because it seemed like he had gone cray-cray. 

"You almost hurt yourself! And then I hadn't recovered from that, but you had to further piss me off by making that girl sit in the front seat beside me. And despite knowing I am pissed at you, you couldn't call or text me for the past few hours." He ranted, and his hand went inside his bag again, and he aggressively threw another bag of chips at Chris, which Chris could not dodge or catch because he was a little taken aback by what Sky had said to him, so it hit him on the chest and fell to his laps.

He had indeed been angry because of Rachel? 

And he had been expecting his call or text?

What a drama queen!