Petty Sky

Sky pushed his way inside, and instead of going inside the room, he held the handle of the door and turned to Chris, asking, "Would you like to continue your conversation outside or are you getting in so I can lock the door? 

Uhm... this was Chris's room, right?

So what right did he have to dictate where Chris had to be and even threaten to lock him out?


However, Chris stepped in and shook his head at the girl, saying, "We are good." Just before Sky locked the door. 

"Rude," Chris said as he turned to look at Sky, who had strode into the room after quickly changing into the in-house slippers.

He snorted at Chris's remark as he dropped his backpack on the floor beside the bed and the fancy bag on the table, then took off his face mask and cap, shaking his head and allowing his hair to wiggle behind him.

"Enjoying it?" Sky asked him as he pushed his hair back, bringing Chris back to his senses.