Sweet banters

Chris's stomach had been growling incessantly, a constant reminder of his hunger. Normally, he held a strong aversion to junk food, especially consuming it in public. But today, his hunger overrode his reservations, compelling him to indulge. The urgency of the situation earlier had left him with no time for a proper meal, and his stomach protested vehemently. Succumbing to the tantalizing aroma of food, he reached for the sausage, sinking his teeth into it. The warm, tender bite was a soothing contrast to his crankiness induced by hunger. A chuckle bubbled from his throat, the sound a mix of contentment and amusement, as if his stomach were joining in on the joke.


Sky's gaze flicked towards him, an amused glint in his eyes. "Seems like you're having quite the feast there."


Chris's grin widened, mischief dancing in his eyes. "You can't even imagine."