A Dark night

(This whole Cosmos is made up of 5 elements Earth ,fire, air ,water and space (akash)one who have master all five elements have control over one's destiny and others but one who misuse this power and talent then there will be the clash on different level for getting kingdoms and power some ambitious have cross there line and war begins!)

That was the darkest night of month just pitch dark but it was going to be more darker

Scene 1: in king palace

The king sat proudly on his throne, his face filled with a sense of accomplishment as he gazed thoughtfully at his kingdom before him. His thoughts were consumed with his achievements, his power, and his vision for the future.

. "O minister," the king called out, his voice echoing through the palace, "where is my son? Why has he not yet arrived? Is he with his guru(master)?"

The courtier shook his head in uncertainty, "I do not know, Your Majesty. Your son has always been his own master, his intentions and methods known to him alone. I have never seen such determination in one so young."

"Indeed," the king agreed with a proud smile, "despite his youth, he possesses all the qualities needed to become a great ruler. When he takes the throne, all will bow before him."

Suddenly, a defiant voice rang out in the court, cutting through the air like a blade, "Then why do you not step aside and let me claim my rightful place as king? I have the capabilities that surpass even your own," declared the king's son, Asura.

Asura continued, his eyes flashing with defiance, "Father, I am tired of this peace. It is my time to rule and make my mark on this kingdom."

The king's minister inquired, "What are you talking about? How dare you speak in such a manner! I will not tolerate this ....

But before he could finish his sentence, the minister's head was separated from his body, displaying a mix of fear and determination on his face due to the Asura's sword.

The Asura warned, "Do not interfere my line otherwise I will put an end to your bloodline."

The other courtiers reacted in shock, exclaiming, "What is happening? You will pay for this!" All the courtiers armed themselves and advanced towards the Asura, some with bows and arrows, others with swords, spears, and strong muscles. The court was filled with a variety of warriors. The Asura continued, "Do not underestimate me just because you outnumber me. I am fully prepared for this encounter. Take a good look around you and understand the gravity of the situation." As everyone glanced at each other, they realized that half of them were against each other.

The king addressed his opposing courtiers, "How could you betray me like this? Do you not understand the consequences of your actions?" The Asura mocked the king, "Oh, king, they have seen the truth. These people are no longer your loyal subjects. Your arrogance has turned them against you and towards me." Enraged, the king threatened, "Are you all prepared to face the consequences?"

Before the king could make a move, the Asura swung his sword with such force that it created a powerful wind aimed at the king. However, an armor emerged from beneath the king's throne, deflecting the attack. The king boasted, "Did you think your attack from a distance would harm me?"

The Asura replied sarcastically, "Do not celebrate too soon. This is just the beginning." Suddenly, the king's armor shattered.

The courtroom transformed into a battlefield as tensions rose, with everyone thirsting for blood and swords clashing, arrows flying. Rivers of blood flowed as Asura and the king eyed each other warily, assessing the situation around them.

Suddenly, the king activated a mechanism on his throne, turning it into a formidable battle machine armed with arrows, armor, and spears. With pride, he declared his readiness for the conflict.

. Taking control of his enhanced throne, the king skillfully launched arrows and spears, striking down his opponents with precision. He asserted his dominance, reminding them of his rule over the seas and the homage paid by other kings.

As the courtiers supporting Asura dwindled, the king commanded his remaining followers to capture Asura. However, Asura unleashed a powerful sword strike, creating a fiery whirlwind that incapacitated the warriors around him.

In a state of confusion, the king questioned Asura's actions, to which Asura responded by challenging him to a battle of skills. Asura showcased his mastery over the elements, preparing to face the king in a fierce confrontation.

Asura, fueled by his determination and confidence, taunted King with a question about his arrogance. He questioned why King was so full of himself and how he managed to maintain such a positive attitude. Asura acknowledged that he was not merely showing off his skills, but rather testing them. He declared that it was time to put King to the test, stating that if he succeeded, King would meet his demise, but if he failed, he would survive the battle.

King, in response to Asura's challenge, dismissed him as a small and insignificant opponent. Despite this, King expressed his love for Asura, vowing not to kill him in their impending battle. However, Asura quickly dismissed King's emotional game, emphasizing that he had no time for such sentiments. With their emotions set aside, the war between them commenced.

Asura, armed with his knowledge of three elements - earth, air, and fire - and his control over them, faced King, who was adorned with all his regal accessories and armor. Asura utilized his air and fire powers simultaneously, channeling them into his sword. This created a powerful ball of fire that hurtled towards King with incredible speed, obliterating his armors upon impact. King fell to the ground, vulnerable and defenseless.

Seizing the opportunity, Asura leaped towards King, intending to strike him down with his sword. However, King cunningly used his crown to emit a blinding light, temporarily disorienting Asura and causing him to lose his balance. Taking advantage of this opening, King delivered a sharp punch that sent Asura flying.

Despite the blow, Asura displayed resilience and a smile, revealing a shield of energy that protected him. King, bewildered by this unexpected defense, questioned Asura about its origin, but Asura brushed off the inquiry, stating that he had no time for explanations. Undeterred, Asura raised his sword once again, swinging it with immense force, creating multiple sharp air rings that shattered King's entire armor upon collision.

But as soon as Asura goes for his final blow, his sword breaks into pieces.

A long old strong man arrived name shukra who is master of asura