tantrik, Shukra companion

Asura informed the master that these students were under his guidance and had been in contact with bhasma from the beginning. He mentioned that they had approached to you for further learning. Asura pointed out that the younger generation was eager for power, but in order to achieve their common goal, they needed to replace you

Bhasma inquired to shukra about the fate of t his other students, indicating concern for their well-being. Shukra warned that if anything were to happen to them, there would be consequences


Bhasma expressed frustration, stating that some of the students, including Shen and others, were attempting to persuade your stubborn ones to work together and dominate the world. However, they are unable to comprehend reality meant that they would have to remain in sleep for eternity

. Shukra criticized Bhasma, questioning his integrity and declaring that no one would leave the situation alive. The tension between the characters was palpable as the power struggle and conflicting ideologies came to the forefront. The dialogue revealed a complex web of relationships and motivations, hinting at a dramatic confrontation that was about to unfold.

Shukra expressed his disdain towards everyone emphasizing that no one would leave the place alive. he exuded a powerful energy that seemed to halt any movement around him. It was a moment of intense confrontation, with Shukra seemingly unbothered by the consequences of his actions.

Bhasma, witnessing the scene, questioned Shukra's motives, warning him about the potential destruction he might bring upon the palace and himself. The exchange between the two was filled with a sense of urgency and impending danger, as Bhasma tried to reason with Shukra, who appeared resolute in his course of action and going to destroy everything with this power

Amidst the chaos, a circle materialized beneath Shukra, revealing the arrival of a man named Tantrik, who possessed knowledge of occult practices. Tantrik attempted to persuade Shukra to reconsider his actions, urging him to leave the place. Shukra, however, remained defiant, questioning Tantrik's interference. The situation escalated as they were suddenly transported from the scene, leaving behind a sense of uncertainty and unresolved tension.

Asura expresses and says So they left and his determination to become stronger, emphasizing that he has no desire to be king at the moment. He acknowledges the importance of having someone competent to run his kingdom, suggesting that either his man or other could temporarily take on the role. Asura plans to travel to various places to learn, grow, and test his power in order to establish his dominance over every territory.

Bhasma offers to assist Asura in further training, mentioning the need to locate Shukra and harness his special power. However, he warns Asura about the complexities involved, such as the unknown strengths of other kingdoms and the potential complications if his royal lineage is discovered. Asura remains resolute in his pursuit, determined to overcome any obstacles and expand his influence. Shen, one of Shukra's disciples, advises Asura to focus on learning and mastering control before embarking on the journey to seek out the special power.

Scene: On a mysterious island, Shukra and Tantrik are engaged in a heated conversation.

Shukra, visibly frustrated, confronts Tantrik about his actions. "Why on earth did you do this?" Shukra exclaims, his voice filled with anger and confusion. He struggles to understand the reasoning behind Tantrik's decision.

Tantrik, trying to justify his actions, responds calmly to Shukra's outburst. "Shukra, you know that even you have used that power before. It's not certain that they will all die, but you will definitely become weak and vulnerable to their torture. It's better to leave that place safely and then figure out our next move," Tantrik explains, his voice filled with a sense of caution.

3Shukra, feeling betrayed and overwhelmed, expresses his frustration towards Tantrik. "You always make such a big deal about your own life, and I don't care what happens to me. But now, because of my actions, my own students have died. I can't bear this pain any longer," Shukra admits, his voice filled with a mix of sadness and anger

. He contemplates renouncing his physical body and entering a state of samadhi, where he can transcend his physical boundaries and escape the pain that has consumed him.

Tantrik reassured Shukra, saying that he was a great master who had trained his students with utmost dedication and passion. He compared the situation to a tree, explaining that if one apple on the tree turned rotten, it wouldn't be fair to blame the entire tree. Just like the tree produced many fine apples, Shukra had successfully trained numerous students who had excelled under his guidance.

However, Shukra had a different perspective. He argued that while the tree may provide nutrients to every apple in the same quantity, he had trained some students with more intensity and focus. He admitted that he had solely concentrated on sharpening their abilities and intellect, neglecting to teach them how to use their skills in a balanced way. This, he believed, could be dangerous not only for themselves but also for others. Shukra emphasized that education should not be about being better than others, but rather about becoming a responsible member of society and developing a strong and pure heart.

Shukra further explained that intelligent people could be more dangerous than those who were less intellectually gifted. He pointed out that intelligent individuals often used their abilities solely for their own benefit, exploiting resources and disregarding the well-being of others. He warned that unless one's own ambition turned against them, they would continue to harm others. Shukra expressed his regret, admitting that he had failed to broaden the identity of his students through education.

Tantrik consoled Shukra, telling him that what had happened was in the past and they should focus on the future. However, Shukra expressed his weariness and lack of patience to train more disciples and teach them. He also admitted that he lacked the power to fight against those who may misuse their sharpened abilities. Therefore, he believed it was time for him to retire from his role as a teacher.

Tantrik asked shukra : so we left them uninterrupted and make the world suffered from their sin

Shukra says what about you ?

Tantrik replied with laught :ha ha oh me i can handle them with ease but i dont want to take all credit as my companion i can share with you

Shukra says i Don't want to take your credit anyway if i caught off guard then thing became more complicated and dangerous ,so its better to left my body

Tantrik says then what will i do without you how can i survived there ,where i am surrounded with such powerful enemies ,so i also decided to leave my body with you