
"Gods are good, and demons are wicked. Really!" Imp spoke in a furious and bewildered manner when she said this.

Ahh!! Let's review what occurred.

** Beginning of the Unexpected Journey **

It was a delightful morning, with a lovely breeze and birds flirting with one another, and "I can't manage to express my feelings to the only girl I want", how these birds casually flirting with each other! I wonder.

Immediately after hearing someone named Lahsiv being called, I turned around and responded, "Yes. "I'm here." Before I reveal who that Lahsiv is, allow me to describe the voice that called him.

That is the kind of voice you want to hear before you pass away, and a person may wager their soul on it without feeling guilty. You might believe I'm making things up. But inquire about the voice of his lover from any man who has ever been in love. He will respond the same way.

That voice is Rin, my goddess. Hold on…she wasn't a goddess; that was simply how I pictured her; in reality, she was just like any other person.

I approached her after spotting her and took her luggage because it seemed like she was having problems carrying it.

In this world, everyone talks about equality, but when a girl is in difficulty, boys need to go and help them, or else they believe you are not well-mannered, so I can't just stand there doing nothing, because she thinks I am pathetic.

But I think she is unique among girls, so even if I just stand there without doing anything, she won't think I'm pathetic. She simply leaves the luggage on the ground before approaching me slowly, slamming me, and saying, "If you don't help, no lunch for you." So, either it's the love for Rin or love for lunch, I will better go and help.

You might be wondering why she is carrying heavy luggage and why she won't give me lunch if I don't help.

The answer is simple and clear: she made lunch for both of us because we were going on a picnic, which was not your typical picnic. We decided to visit a tree house that Rin and I discovered as children, although it is located very far into the forest. Since the tree house was somewhat deep inside the forest, as I had previously mentioned. We set out right away, it is best to arrive there before the sun sets.

You could be thinking, "Here we go, same old story, youngsters go into the forest, strange things happen, then they manage to escape, happy ending... Blah, blah, blah".

But in all honesty, everyone who embarks on a journey anticipates it to go as planned; nobody wants unforeseen detours that put their lives in danger, am I right? We started our small journey because Rin and I were no different; all we wanted was to make some wonderful memories in a tree house.

"Browny…, please stop barking at me". Rin's dog, not mine, was the one in the discussion. Dogs typically don't bark at visitors to your home who visits often, thus I believe Browny doesn't like me. In my situation, anytime I approach Rin, Browny always barks at me. Perhaps it believes I'm going to steal his owner. No matter where Rin travels, Browny is there too. Therefore, this picnic would not be an exception. Browny will undoubtedly accompany us. Rin hates leaving Browny by himself.

Finally, we begin our lovely picnic and head for the tree house…

(Without knowing what they would uncover, three enthusiastic young souls proceeded to move forward.....)