Kindly don't destroy the Rock called as Earth

(*Dearg's sound shook the entire planet, yet the sound does not travel across the planet due to the vacuum. No need to be concerned, the sound may have been blocked by a vacuum, but it is nothing to worry about, Dearg does not intend to call Avagrada by calling her name, she already knew the instant Dearg opened his mouth to speak her name, after all, she is considered the fifth strongest being in all of the reality*)

** Somewhere in the never-ending void…**

"Hmm…, this is surprising; I never expected that lizard to call my name; if I recall correctly, I hadn't seen him in millennia. I assumed he was dead, haha".

I found this floating rock after a long search, and it has perfect conditions for me to rest.

I don't like to move from this rock, I like to rest, but I don't think that lizard will call my name for any normal reason, so I better pay him a visit, and if the reason he called me doesn't seem worthy of my time, I will just beat that lizard to death, haha.

"Hmm…, should I use my wings or just hop from one rock to the next?" What a perilous situation.

"Ahh…, I've chosen not to use my wings and will instead jump, haha." But I also decided to include an interesting player in this game;

The rock I am currently standing on has one side that is on fire and the other that is ice cold. The burning side continuously emits a pocket of energies, which travel at a reasonable speed.

Now that I know the rule, I'm going to race against the energy packets to see who can travel faster. Of course, I won't be using my wings, haha.

"Wow…, this game is so much fun!" These energy packets aren't bad; they keep up with my pace. I would like to play this game for a longer period of time haha. Unfortunately, it appears that I won the race already haha.

I can reach that lizard with a few more hops, but I'm not going to do that; instead, I'm going to play on this large rock I am standing on for a few minutes, haha.

This rock is different from other rocks because it is largely made of gas; I barely feel the ground and am instead floating in the air, haha.

"It's fun..." This rock is interesting, in that it has several little rocks and ice floating around it, almost like a ring, haha.

This rock seems to have strong winds and 82 little rocks swirling around it. I like to grab one rock and play "rock throw," and I'm going to see how far I can throw the 82 rocks, haha.

Because this is my first throw, I should begin with a little rock.

Should I use my left or right hand to throw?

What exactly is the winning condition?

This is the part I detest the most; I wish someone were there to set the rules every time I play.

Hmm…, without a winning condition, I don't feel like playing; if I play without an end goal, it appears like a toddler throwing a rock into the cosmos without reasoning.

I better visit that lizard and punish him for interfering with my rest.

"NOPE" I'm not going to see that lizard; it's not fun... If he needs help, he should come and see me; why should I respond to his call? Haha.

What drove him to call me? Isn't that lizard the type of moron who seeks my assistance in the first place?

Is it about discussing the clash between shiny and jewels?

I doubt he was aware that war was taking place.

Or has he gotten more powerful than me and wishes to show his dominance?

If such is the case, I will completely destroy him, down to the last electron in the last atom in his body.

Why did that lizard call me "Ahhhhhhhhh?" I need to know right now.

Every time I think about why he calls me, my brain hurts.

I think I'll go destroy a galaxy to clear my mind. Haha.

I think destroying the galaxy also won't give me answers, so better if I will think about why he called me.

First and foremost, that lizard is not a total idiot; he understands my power better than anyone, so even if he becomes more powerful than me, he will not dream of annoying me by displaying his power.

That lizard may have more sheer strength and superior fighting tactics than anybody else, but he despises war and has never expressed an interest in it, so he is unlikely to inquire about a shiny and jewels conflict.

Finally, he is well aware of his position; he never calls me to him; instead, he generally visits me if he requires assistance; so, calling me rather than visiting suggests that he is stuck with something that restricts his movement.

The most important thing that irritates and intrigues me is why he invites me to a throwaway universe, these universes are nothing but trash, we threw these universes out of the center void since we couldn't find anything worth keeping here. But now that lizard is not only staying in this trash universe but also inviting me in.

"Ahh..." Since thinking about these things will never give an answer, I feel there is only one way to discover why the lizard called me to this throwaway universe.

But one thing is certain: if the reason he calls me is not satisfactory or worth coming for, I will absolutely demolish him along with these all-throwaway universes, haha.

Now let's take a few hops and see what that stupid lizard face has in store for me, haha.

(While Avagrada was racing with the light and planning a rock toss with Saturn's moons, something unexpected happened on Earth.

What occurred on the Earth?

Will Avagrada take a break from playing to pay a visit to Dearg?

Does the reason Dearg has to call Avagrada satisfy her, or will she blow up the planet like a balloon?

Let's find out on our next journey)