Did I failed to keep my promise?

"She is here, the overwhelming presence, fear over nothing, greed to toy with everything in sight," simply sensing her existence was enough to make me nervous.

This planet needs a barrier around it… the impact of her landing alone could shatter it.

I seriously doubt that these humans will be able to survive outside of this huge rock known as planet Earth.

Despite the fact that being imprisoned inside the Avagrada spell has sapped all of my life force, I still have enough life force to safeguard this planet from the majority of the "Void Guardians."

However, the two void guards I dread the most are the first in command and—as much as I loathe to say it—none other than Avagrada.

Even at my peak, I can only hold them off for a few centuries at most. However, given my current state, I should use every last bit of life force I have to keep up the barrier and keep this one rock safe from her.

I can already sense her, it seems like she is approaching at a faster pace, and knowing her personality, I'm sure she's annoyed with me for calling her to my location rather than visiting her.

Time is of the essence; I had better cast a barrier now before it was too late.


"#()Le& o# G&re@^! V()!(!"

"#()Le& o# G&re@^! V()!(!"

"#()Le& o# G&re@^! V()!(!"


"sigh" who would have thought that a void guardian like myself would become weak after casting a single barrier spell, I should be ashamed of myself for being so weak.

(* The moment Dearg made a grin on his face, he realized that… if the planet earth was still in one piece after the next second, it means his barrier spell was successful and the planet earth can rotate around the heat core for the next few millennia and the life force on planet earth survive and live their next day, but the other alternative is that nothing remains of the enormous rock except some dust and everything in it will vanish exactly as how a huge rock has gone…

In the next instant, a dazzling light that moved faster than real light dropped from the heavens like a shooting star, struck the barrier and broke it like a bullet with enormous acceleration passing through a glass mirror and demolishing the barrier like nothing and entered the earth core. *)


"What just happened, why do I feel like I've been hit by every single floating rock in the universe..."

I assume I already knew the answer.

The effect is, however, less than I had anticipated.

The world is still intact, and I am conscious enough to complain about my condition, in which my head was buried in the ground with her feet.

Before I made the decision to take my head off of her feat, I overheard her laugh along with a voice saying, "Move your head a little, I will demolish this rock you tried to protect by using a barrier just now."

Given that I had already expended all of my life force and that it would be nearly hard to defend this planet from her even with my full strength, I had no choice but to obey her for now.

The barrier must have absorbed all of the impacts; it appears that the forest was not severely destroyed, implying that the tree house Rin, Lahsiv, and Browny were staying in survived the impact.

The best course of action if they are normal life forms is undoubtedly to flee from this location, although even doing so won't be helpful if she fully wipes out their universe.

I suppose that living without power is a little difficult, and I truly feel sorry for them.

But the true problem is not how I feel about them; it is how Lahsiv will react to this situation.

I hope he won't do anything that irritates Avagrada because I've already warned him enough about her…

From the looks of things, she seemed to be in a good mood.

Avagrada reached here at a great velocity, and I knew my barrier wouldn't be able to stop her or even slow her down. Surprisingly, though, even the surrounding forest seemed unaffected by the impact, which only proves that she vastly reduced her power prior to landing.

She must have recognized there was something crucial while I called her, but given her personality, that is unlikely. The only other possibility is she must have sensed some strange life force from this planet Earth, which piqued her interest.


How long is she going to stand over my head? I regret not saving enough power before casting a barrier.

"Did you forget that I can read your life force if it is considerably weaker than mine?" a sweet young voice with a laugh and murderous intent was heard saying towards my ear.

"Shit! How did I forget about her powerful and lethal nature!" "I deeply regret not conserving enough life force."

For better or worse, I suppose it's for the best because she now understands why I called her and I don't have to worry about offending her by saying something.

But it seems like she wants to see others suffer, the moment I thought I am having an advantage, she made it worse by saying "it's not fun reading your life force, instead, I am going to see why you called me, haha"

I guess I should consider how to convey everything to her without boring or irritating her but simultaneously piquing her curiosity.

But running around in circles to explain everything to her isn't going to get us anywhere. I guess I'll tell her why I called her; there's a high likelihood she'll kill me and destroy this universe along with me if she doesn't like what I'm about to say.

I closed my eyes and was ready to accept my death when I chose to say this word, as one of the void guardians, simply saying this word is enough to enrage the other void guardians, even if Avagrada left me alive out of sympathy for me, I strongly doubt other void guardians will leave me alive, they may even chase me to the edge of the central void to drain my life force totally and eliminate my existence.

"There is a life force that resembles our master," I spoke as I closed my eyes, and it may have been my last words, for my head was immediately slammed with a large force with her foot, and to make matters worse, Lahsiv appeared out of nowhere and began storming towards Avagrada.

What kind of life forms rise their sword to the god they worship? Is he insane? I warned him not to anger her, and now is the worst time to do so.

Even I doubt that the barrier I've cast around Lahsiv, Rin, and Brownly will protect them from this situation.

"It seems like I failed to keep my promise…"